If you’re a real estate agent and you’re not leveraging your national network of 2.1 million Realtors around the country… you’re missing out! Not only on the ability to send and receive referrals, but also on the ability to grow your business through masterminds with experts in other cities.
Sean McPeak and I have been friends for years now because of the Sell It Like Serhant community. We have always shared ideas back and forth and now we’re sharing referrals back and forth.
Today’s video is a deep dive into the importance of agent to agent relationships as well as a look into a VERY cool listing that I referred to Sean in Hudson Yards.
If you’re in the Charlotte Real Estate market , talk to Andy Griesinger. If you’re looking for homes in New York City , reach out to Sean McPeak. And if you’re looking for real estate in another market, feel free to reach out to either Andy or Sean — as chances are, they just might have a great referral for you!
The post Andy Griesinger & Sean McPeak: The Importance of Realtor Relationships appeared first on Andy Griesinger.